In the Language of Luran |
路然童言录 |
January, 2000, Long Island, New York |
2000年1月纽约长岛 |
This web page is written bilingually in English and Chinese. See notes on reading Chinese.
At home, Luran is also called Baobao and Yiran also called Beibei.
在家里路然叫宝宝,逸然叫贝贝,爷爷叫嗲嗲(读diādiā音, 出自湖南方言)。
(2,6) indicates the age of 2 years and 6 months 表示两岁六个月
(translations are in parentheses) (译文在括号里)
italic = comments 斜体字 = 注释、评论
Luran 路然, Mom 妈妈, Dad 爸爸
Thomas, James, Percy: |
Trains in the series Thomas the Tank Engine and His Friends, Luran's passion of life for over a year now. |
一套火车系列中的几个火车头的名字. 路然对这套火车着迷已有一年多了. |
Creativity/Language Play 创造性及戏言
Luran: |
"I'm drinking my milk. I'm holding milk and juice." |
(我在喝奶。我拿着奶和果汁。) |
Mom: |
"对。宝宝在喝奶和果汁。" |
(Right. Baobao is drinking milk and juice.) |
Dad: |
"这是牛奶。你知道什么是牛吗?牛是 moo-moo cow." |
(This is cow's milk. Do you know what cow is? That's moo-moo cow.) |
Luran: |
"这是牛果汁!" |
(This is cow-juice!) |
Mom: |
"This is called a calculator." |
(这个叫计算器.) |
Luran: |
"Calculator. This is not a elevator! And this is not a escalator!" |
(计算器. 这不是电梯, 这也不是自动扶梯.) |
Luran: |
"Strawberries!" |
(草莓!) |
Mom: |
"Yeah. Mommy is making a strawberry dessert." |
(对, 妈妈在做草莓甜点.) |
Luran: |
"Strawberries falling on the head of the da-da-da-da king!!" |
(草莓掉到达达达达国王的头上!!) |
Roaring laughter. 大笑.
Luran: |
"Surprise for the king! Strawberries falling on the feet of the same time!!" |
(国王大吃一惊! 草莓掉到同时的脚上!) |
Mom: |
"Strawberries are falling on the feet of the king at the same time?" |
(草莓同时掉到国王的脚上吗?) |
Luran: |
"Yeah! That's what I said!!" |
(是呀! 我就是这么说的呀!) |
While Daddy is bathing him and mommy is watching.
爸爸在给他洗澡, 妈妈在一边看.
Luran: |
"I'm gonna spread butter all over Daddy and eat him!" |
(我要用黄油涂爸爸全身然后吃他!) |
Dad: |
"No--!" |
(不行!) |
Luran: |
"No, I don't want to eat him all by myself!" |
(不,我不要自己全把他吃了!) |
Mom: |
"Are you going to share him with Mommy?" |
(你要跟妈妈分享他吗?) |
Luran: |
"Yeah!" |
(对!) |
Luran: |
"Daddy, can I water you?" |
(爸爸, 我可以在你身上浇水吗?) |
Holding onto Daddy, not wanting Daddy to leave him at daycare.
Luran: |
"One more minute!" |
(一分钟!) |
Dad: |
"One minute is up!" |
(一分钟到了!) |
Luran: |
"Two one more minute!" |
(两个一分钟!) |
Commenting on the chubbiness of his 2-month-old sister.
Luran: |
"妹妹是个馒头." |
(Sister is a steamed-bread.) |
Luran: |
"Mommy you see the ice-cream? I throw it in the sky!" |
(妈妈你看见冰琪淋吗? 我把它扔到天上了!) |
Pointing to the clouds in the sky. |
指着天上的白云. |
Luran: |
"The airplane is eating my ice-cream!" |
(飞机在吃我的冰琪淋呢!) |
An airplane is flying through the clouds. |
一架飞机正从云里穿过. |
Mom: |
"Wow, you are full of imagination!" |
(啊呀,你充满了想象力!) |
Luran: |
"I am full of ice-cream!!" |
(我充满了冰琪淋!) |
At breakfast, while looking at a boiled egg that has been cut in half.
Luran: |
"妈妈,月亮背着太阳, 你看!" |
(Mommy, the moon is carrying the sun, you see!) |
Pointing to the discharge from Yiran's eyes one morning.
Luran: |
"奶奶,妹妹的眼睛怎么了?" |
(Grandma, what happened to my sister's eyes?) |
Grandma: |
"怎么了?" |
(What happened?) |
Luran: |
"你看,她的眼睛流鼻涕了!" |
(Look, her eyes are having a running nose!) |
Luran: |
"你去找James吧!" |
(You want to go find James?) |
Dad: |
"我不想去找, 你自己去找吧." |
(I don't want to. Why don't you do it yourself?) |
Luran: |
"那我让妈妈去找吧." |
(Then I'll ask Mommy go find [James].) |
Dad: |
"可是妈妈在哪儿呢?" |
(But where is Mommy?) |
Luran: |
"我不知道, 你去找找吧." |
(I don't know. You want to go find her?) |
Dad: |
"我不想去找呢." |
(Well I don't want to.) |
Luran: |
"她自己去找她自己吧." |
(Well let herself go find herself.) |