In the Language of Luran |
路然童言录 |
January, 2000, Long Island, New York |
2000年1月纽约长岛 |
Confusion 糊里糊涂
Mom: |
"好孩子. Mommy's good boy!" |
(Good child. 妈妈的好男孩!) |
Luran: |
"Mommy is a boy?" |
(妈妈是男孩吗?) |
Mom: |
"No no no. You are mommy's good boy." |
(不不不. 你是妈妈的好男孩.) |
Luran: |
"Mommy is a grow [girl]?" |
(妈妈是个女孩吗?) |
Mom: |
"宝宝是妈妈的糊涂蛋蛋!" |
(Baobao is mommy's muddle-headed egg!) |
Luran: |
"Humpty-Dumpty is an egg!" |
(Humpty-Dumpty 是个蛋蛋! Humpty-Dumpty 是个儿歌中的蛋蛋的名字.) |
Mom: |
"Thomas 的斜下面是谁?" |
(Who is diagonally underneath Thomas?) |
Luran: |
"是 Percy." |
(It's Percy.) |
Mom: |
"宝宝真棒!" |
(Baobao did a great job!) |
Luran: |
"Thomas want that shoe!" |
(Thomas 想要那只鞋!) |
"Diagonally" and "shoe" in Chinese share the same pronunciation "xie". |
Mom: |
"I love you, my son!" |
(我爱你, 我的儿子!) |
Luran: |
"No, it's in the sky!" |
(不, 它在天上!) |
Mom laughs.
Luran: |
"I am not a sun. I am not a star. I am a big boy!" |
(我不是太阳, 我不是星星, 我是个大男孩!) |
Luran: |
"妈妈,因为 Percy 太小,不能给妹妹吗?" |
(Mom, because Percy is too small, (we) can't give it to sister?" |
Mom: |
"对,它太小,妹妹容易把它放进嘴里,那就不好了。" |
(Yes. It's too small, sister can easily put it in her mouth, which is not good." |
Luran: |
"等 Percy 长大了就可以给妹妹了吗?" |
(When Percy grows up, (we) can then give it to sister?) |
Announcements 正式宣告
Everyday upon return from daycare.
Luran: |
"宝宝回来了!" |
(Baobao is back home!) |
To his teachers, his friends' parents, our neighbors, and sometimes
说给他的老师, 小朋友的父母, 我们的邻居, 有时还说给陌生人.
Luran: |
"My baby sister came out of Mommy's tummy already! Her name is YI-RAN!" |
(我的小妹妹已经从妈妈的肚子里出来了! 她的名字叫逸然!) |
Luran: |
“嗲嗲奶奶我今天是好孩子!” |
(Grandpa grandma, I am a good boy today!) |
If he behaves well during the day, he gets a sticker in the evening. He needs
to earn 5-7 stickers to get a new toy train engine or car.
如果他白天表现好, 晚上就能得一个能沾在墙上的图片. 他需要挣五到七个图片才能 得到一个玩具火车.
Commands 命令句
Luran: |
"Can I want more [dumplings] please?" |
(我可以要更多[的饺子]吗?) |
Mom: |
"好,妈妈再给." |
(Ok, Mommy will give you more.) |
Luran: |
"Mommy, say 'of course'!" |
(妈妈,说"当然啦"!) |
Mom: |
"宝宝,你自己可以来用 mouse." |
(Baobao, you can move the mouse yourself. 鼠标) |
Luran: |
"妈妈自己来!" |
(Mommy do it yourself!) |
After being helped by Sam, a teacher at daycare.
幼儿园的一个老师, Sam, 刚刚帮了路然.
Luran: |
"Now you can go." |
(现在你可以走了.) |
Sam: |
"Doreen [Director of daycare] told me to stay here." |
(Doreen [幼儿园园长] 叫我呆在这里.) |
Luran: |
"You have to listen to my words!" |
(你要听我的话!) |
Mommy is seeing off Luran and Daddy as they leave for the day.
Luran: |
"Mommy, can you come up here and I can kiss your cheek?" |
(妈妈,你能上来让我亲亲你的脸蛋吗?) |
Mommy goes into the car and exchanges kisses with Luran.
Luran: |
"Now you go home and wait for me!" |
(现在你回家等我!) |
Luran: |
"奶奶你躺下。我给你 change diaper 你再起来." |
(Grandma, you lie down. I'll change your diaper and then you get up. 换尿布) |
Luran: |
"贝贝你这个孩子,不听话!这个东西不能吃!" |
(Beibei, this child, you don't listen! You cannot eat this!) |
从他那里听到我们教训他的话, 有时也让我们惭愧!
It's not always flattering to hear the echo of our reprimands to him!
Luran: |
"嗲嗲,你跟我下棋好不好啊?我在这里下,你在那里下。" |
(Grandpa, would you like to play chess with me? I will play here and you will play there.) |
"Here" refers to the chess box, and "there" refers to the chess board.